Connor's Dream Team
Welcome to the TEAM
At the age of 7 Connor loved attending St. Michael School. His favorite subjects were science, history, math and of course gym. He also had a huge affection and curiosity about the ocean and the animals that live in it. It was such a thrill for us that at his young age Connor enjoyed these interests and could absorb the information he learned so easily.
We as a family are happy to be working with St. Michael School to establish a scholarship fund to honor and remember Connor's love for learning. The purpose of this fund is to financially reward excellence in the subjects of science & math by providing an annual scholarship to use for High School tuition.
Please find the information to make a donation to Connor's Fund at the bottom of this page
Connor fought like a warrior to live. He never gave up, nor did his heart. He did not want to leave everything and everyone that he loved.
At the age of 7, Connor's ultimate goal was to be a fighter pilot in the Air Force. He talked about it constantly and drew pictures in his journal about how he wanted to help people as a pilot. One of Connor's journal entries were as follows: "Dear Mommy & Daddy, I want to be an Air Force Pilot and fly jets, don't worry about me Mommy I want to help people, Dear Mommy and Daddy I love you and you are the best Mommy and Daddy ever and we have the best family."
The Warrior Bracelet's original symbolism comes from the recognition and acknowledgement of our fallen heroes, and those who press on daily to bring each and every one of us the freedom and liberties we seem to take for granted everyday. The bracelets are made from 550 parachute cord and either our very own uniform buttons or whatever securing devices we can obtain in the desert.
May Connor be our Guardian Angel to watch and protect our troops as they continue to secure our country's freedom in foreign lands.
The Ciesielski Family warmly thanks Mrs. Judy Murphy, her sister Major Eileen LaBrecque and the U.S. Airmen that assembled the Warrior Bracelets in Connors memory.
The following are the airmen who made the bracelets while serving our country in the Middle East. Thank you!!
Major Eileen LaBrecque SSgt Rebeca Rosa SrA Tiffany Thompson SrA Benjamin Smith
Jack, Kate and Connor on Kate's 2nd Birthday 2006
The kids...